Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, getting solar energy typically lowers your electricity costs and enables you to save money - as the amount of power you purchase from the grid decreases. In addition, you also receive payment for any excess power you sell to the grid. Your electricity supply will rely on a number of variables, including the size of your system, where you live, and how you use electricity personally. But be cautious anytime you hear claims that you won't ever have to pay a bill again or that it will vanish entirely.

The amount of electricity generated depends on several factors, including the size of the panel, local climate, location, direction it faces, and whether it receives any shade from nearby trees or other structures.

One Roof Solar consultants can provide an educated guess as to how much electricity your home will typically receive from the system.

Yes, solar energy will benefit the environment. Renewable energy, also known as solar energy, is derived naturally from replenished sources. On a human time scale, there are countless sources, including sunlight, wind, rain, tides, geothermal heat, and others, to get this renewable energy. In addition, there are no greenhouse gas emissions or air pollution from solar energy production. It will support the effort to combat global warming.

Very little maintenance will be required if the Solar Power System's components are made using high-quality materials. Depending on the pitch, the surface of the panels can self-clean themselves. To make sure the system will work at its best for 25 years, a regular health check is advised. After the installation, our solar professionals will schedule a free maintenance check to ensure your solar panels are working seamlessly without any hassle.

Only the electricity you supply to the grid will be reimbursed. You are not compensated for the electricity you generate or use at home. You'll import less, lowering the overall cost of your electrical purchases. You must review and contrast the feed-in tariffs offered by your electricity provider.

Yes, further upgrades to solar systems are possible. Repairing a solar panel (such as replacing broken panels or inverters) is typically permitted without requiring much more work, whereas adjustments (such as expanding the system's size, adding battery storage, moving the system, etc.) necessitate more work to comply with the standards in place.

Installation takes around a day for a typical system (6.6kW–13kW). Usually, larger systems will take longer. This process' overarching steps include Site Assessment, Design Approval, Permitting, Installation, Inspection, and Utility Interconnection.

A power blackout is the interruption of an end user's access to the electrical power network (also known as a power cut, power out, power outage, power failure, or simply a blackout). In essence, a blackout causes issues for homeowners. Simply put, you are without power from the grid entering your home during a blackout. A PV (system) with battery storage is the ideal choice for private dwellings as well as commercial structures that experience regular (or frequent) blackouts since this system will cut electricity to the designated appliances as soon as the grid fails, preventing any loss caused by the failure.

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