Without going into complex technicalities, let’s understand how it works

Solar energy is a common term and we all know it. What is it? It is simply the energy produced by the sunlight – also known as electromagnetic radiation released by the sun.

Every location on earth receives a certain amount of sunlight throughout the year. But, the radiation that any particular spot on the earth’s surface receives can vary from one to the other.

The work of a solar technologist is to capture the radiation in its full potential and turn the same into a useful form of power supply. And this conversion from radiation to usable energy happens through photovoltaic panels that concentrate the radiation.

This concentrated energy is used for generating regular supply of electricity, is stored in batteries and inverters, or used in thermal storages.

Let’s get to know the basics of a few important solar power equipments.

Solar Panels

Otherwise known as solar modules, your home’s solar panels absorb light particles called photons to convert into usable electricity in what is called a photovoltaic effect. The array of solar panels gives your home solar electricity through a solar inverter, effectively delivering the electricity your family needs.

Solar Inverter

Your solar inverter is a small box that converts direct current (DC) electricity that your solar panels provide into usable alternating current (AC) electricity. Also connected to the grid, your solar inverters send any solar electricity that you don’t use back for others to take in. All this is tracked by a solar meter.

Solar Meter

Your solar meter keeps track of how much electricity your system produces, which helps you make sure it’s producing well. With our solar systems, you can see how much electricity your panels are producing – and how much you’re using – from any mobile device, anywhere, any time.

Net Metering

During the day, your panels may generate more electricity than you use; you’ll know this is the case when you see your solar meter running backwards. With Net Metering programs, homeowners receive credits for this real-time electricity generation from their utility companies. Then, at night, the electricity you draw back off the grid using those credits from net metering and reducing your monthly cost.

The Grid

The American “grid” is our vast interconnected network of electrical power lines that provide cities and homes with power. Our solar systems are hooked up to the grid, meaning you can indeed still get power at night when the sun doesn’t shine. This also helps you take advantage of local and federal tax incentives and rebates.


A utility company typically provides local areas with the power they use (via the grid). Some utilities compensate solar homeowners if they’ve provided more power to the grid than they used. You can call one of our experts to find out more about your local utility company’s net metering or solar bank programs.

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