Oneroof Solar

solar battery system
Did you know that in 2021, one in every four houses in Australia installed a solar power system? You heard that right! Around 278 million solar panels have been installed across the country so far.

The concept of solar power has been trending for quite some time. Solar battery installation Darwin is also coming to light recently. 

The current political climate has a major role in the growing popularity of solar batteries. This climate is centred around saving the environment.

If you are exploring the option of installing solar power soon, you will find this guide useful. It will help you to understand if installing a solar battery is the right choice for you. 

Let’s begin by exploring how the solar battery works!

  • How solar batteries work?
  • Advantages of solar battery
  • Final verdict: Should you invest in a solar battery system?

How do Solar Batteries Work?

Solar batteries are solar storage units that conserve energy from a solar power system.

Solar panels absorb energy from the sun and then convert it into electricity. This electricity passes through solar inverters and provides power to a household or business establishment. 

If the solar panels produce more than the required electricity needed, the excess energy gets returned to the grid system. This process is known as “net metering”. 

You get a credit on your next month’s electricity bill due to this net metering. This results in a reduced (or even) negative power utility bill.

But you can choose to pair your solar panels with a solar battery system. This way, the excess energy from the solar panels gets stored in the battery instead of going to the grid.

Thus, when the sun goes down and your panels aren’t producing any electricity, you can use the electricity stored in the battery – instead of paying for electricity from the utility company.

Advantages Of Solar Battery

Installing a solar battery can be a tough decision as it is a significant financial investment. It is, therefore, necessary to assess how a solar battery can benefit you before making this huge commitment.

Here, we have listed a few advantages of solar batteries. Hopefully, this will help you understand if the option of adding energy storage to your solar PV system is a sound investment or not.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

The main advantage of having a solar battery is that you will have electricity in store. You can use this power anytime you require it. Without this excess energy store, you will have to depend on the electrical grid for power supply. 

The electricity grid runs on fossil fuels. These polluting fossil fuels have a detrimental impact on our environment.

Therefore, if you wish to go green, you must install your solar system with a battery. The solar battery system will allow you to conserve as much energy as possible. This will reduce your dependency on power from the electrical grid system and lower your carbon footprint. 

Solar energy is also renewable, and Australia is blessed with abundant sunlight. With a solar battery, you won’t be using any gas, oil, or water for electricity – all of which are currently depleting. This eco-friendly initiative of yours will enable you to lead a responsible life.

An Alternative Source Of Power

Suppose there is a natural calamity and the electricity in your area goes down. If you have a solar panel system with a battery, you can instantly get an alternative source of electricity.  You won’t have to rely on power backup generators. You can simply use the energy from the solar battery to provide you with the required electricity supply.

Thus, the solar battery acts as a buffer and continues to supply electricity until it’s needed. This can be particularly advantageous if you reside in an area with frequent blackouts. 

With the solar battery, you won’t have to ever worry about your lights going out. You can gain independence from the grid system and no longer rely on it for your power needs.

But if your solar system is without a solar battery, the panels will stop working when the sun or electricity grid is down. Therefore, there will be no electricity to export to the solar power system. 

Huge Savings On Electricity Cost

Australia is prone to extreme weather conditions. Very often, you may need to crank up the AC in the heat. Or turn on the heaters in the cold. But you may be constantly bogged down by overconsumption of electricity and the looming dread of lengthy electricity bills.

A solar battery will prevent this from happening. It provides a cost-effective solution to all your electricity needs.

Final Verdict: Should You Invest In A Solar Battery?

If you are frustrated with rising energy bills or live in an area with frequent blackouts, a solar battery system will be a great option for you. Also, if you are keen on lowering your carbon footprint, you must definitely go for a solar battery.

Incorporating solar batteries with the PV system may increase the overall cost of installation. But its long-term benefits are worth that extra investment. 

Also, the prices of solar batteries are lowering at an incredible rate. It is predicted to decline even more in the coming future. So, if you can’t afford a solar battery now, you surely can in the near future. 

If your utility provider doesn’t offer full retail net metering, solar batteries will make for an even better investment. You will save yourself from the hassle of paying bills for extra electricity consumption.

What’s Next?

By now, you must be convinced to install a solar PV system along with a solar battery. For that, you must work with the best solar installers Darwin.

And who couldn’t be a better choice for that than “Oneroof Solar”. For years, we have been offering reliable solar panel installations across the country. With us, you can get the complete package of a solar panel, solar inverter, and solar battery installation at affordable prices. 

Join over 20,000 Darwin homeowners who have made the switch to solar with Oneroof Solar!

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