Solar Power: The New Colossal Chapter Of The Next Industrial Revolution

We have all witnessed the digital revolution unfolding over the past couple of decades. It surely has left us watching in awe.

Now there’s another magnificent change, speed fasting its way. We’re talking about the “Renewable Revolution” with solar system installation leading the way. Many of us are unaware of how profound its impact is likely going to be.

Do You Remember the Early Days of the Internet and the World Wide Web?

You must surely do it!

Back in the ’90s, Internet Explorer was the winner among Excite, Yahoo, and Alta-Vista. Google had not yet gleamed in the eyes of Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Then, Bill Gates made a speech about his vision for the “Information Highway”. The outlandish yet so novel concept made it to the front pages of Australia’s newspapers.

As it did, experienced journalists and editors smiled to themselves and mentally muttered “Not in this lifetime”.

But they were quite wrong!

The world dramatically evolved in less than 25 years.“Information Highway” is here in front of us in ways that we could have never predicted.

Now, we are recognizing that this is indeed the “dawn of the new industrial revolution”.

We are here to tell you – what solar power is now doing for energy, is exactly what the Internet has done for information, digital marketing, and e-commerce.

There is no doubt on the question of WHETHER or not the world will embrace the bountiful energy from the sun. The only question we need to ask is WHEN. And this “WHEN” is coming at a blistering speed.

Solar Power Is Shaping the Latest Chapter In The New Industrial Revolution

Most people are yet to appreciate the magnificent solar system installation energy sweeping the world. That’s because it is happening too fast and the general public has no time to catch up.

Let’s see a few examples of how solar energy is sweeping off the world –

  • The total solar system installation in China stands at 130 GW while in Australia it stands at 54.5 GW.
  • Currently, the USA has enough solar system installation to power 6.2 million homes and this energy capacity is growing rapidly.
  • Top retailing companies like Walmart, IKEA, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are embracing solar power.
  • The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet has invested more than US$30 billion in the solar power industry.
  • Germany, Japan, the Middle East, Australia, and Spain are rapidly embracing solar system installation.
  • The world’s solar capacity is expected to top 1,000 GW by 2025.

The bottom line is: the solar business has become HUGE. We are truly experiencing a SUN RUSH.

What’s Powering The Solar Momentum?

Five factors are responsible for accelerating solar energy –

  1. Falling cost of solar system installation – The solar panel’s costs fell by as much as 85% from 2009 to 2017. So, solar energy is becoming more affordable and payback periods shorter.
  2. Environmental consciousness – There has been a shifting concern towards climate change and the need for sustainable alternative energy. So, the greater public is adopting renewable energy.
  3. Political support – Governments of all continents, including Australia are encouraging a switch to renewables.
  4. Minimal maintenance – Go for solar system installation and you don’t have to worry about spending big on the maintenance bills for 25 years or more.
  5. Location independence – The solar panels can be installed just about anywhere.

It’s Time You Became A Part Of The Massive Industrial Revolution

A brighter energy future is just around the corner. Become a part of the revolution with Oneroof Solar – the best solar system installer in Darwin.

Call us and make way for sunshine in your lives!